Monday, November 12, 2018

summary of Flatland

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Flatland is narrated by a square named A. Square. A. Square lives in a world called flatland which is a two dimensional world. In this world women are straight lines and men are polygons. The men sides are based on their rank in society. The working men are called equilateral triangles. The more noble men are polygons with a bunch of sides. In a dream A. Square travels to this world called Lineland. In Lineland the people there are points on a line. Lineland is a one dimensional world. The people there can only A. Square as four points on a line instead of a square. While he is there he tries to convince the monarch of Lineland that there is a two dimensional world called Flatland. The monarch decides to kill A. Square because he doesn't want to listen to A. Squares nonsense anymore.  He later travels to another world called Spaceland. Spaceland is a three dimensional world. the people there are three dimensional shapes. A.Square can only see the sphere that is showing him around as a circle not as a sphere. The people there are only able to see A. Square as a flat shape not a three dimensional cube. When he returns back to Flatland tries to convince the people of Flatland that there is a three dimensional world. He eventually gets arrested because talking about a three dimensional world is forbidden. A. Square is thrown in jail. While he is in jail he is with his brother B. Square. He writes the book called Flatland where he tells his story.

Image result for flatland

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